
Wedding FAQs

Wedding FAQs

What's your photography style?

My photos tend to be on the brighter and warmer side with lots of light. I love capturing a mix of candid photos as well as photos that are posed. My goal is to have photos that are distinctly you, but on your best day. I don't follow editing trends so in 20 years your photos don't seem dated and instead feel timeless.



Where are you located?

I'm located in Tiffin, Ohio. That's in northwest Ohio by Toledo and Findlay.


Do you travel?

I have my passport and I'm always willing to travel. I also love traveling all over Ohio and all over the US!


Do you have a studio?

I do not have a studio. I prefer to find new locations to shoot at, but I have my favorite locations, both outdoor and indoor so we can find the perfect location for your session.