content creators

Every Small Business Owner Needs This!!!

Every Small Business Owner Needs This!!!

As a small business owner you wear many different hats. That becomes overwhelming, and at times can even be confusing because you don't know what to do or where to start. Too many times I've put time and effort into doing something for my business only for me to find out down the line that there was a much simpler way to do that same task. I'm here to save you from that frustration! The number one, most useful (not to mention FREE) tool that EVERY small business owner should be using is called Canva!

Working With Creators

Working With Creators

Influencers, Bloggers, Instagram Models, Creators, or whatever you may call them are everywhere.

You may think these are people who share their life online, dropping a few quick ads, and making bank. There is so much more that goes into that profession and there is so much more to those individuals who have chosen to go down that path. These are people who are incredibly driven. They are their own brands and their own businesses and they know it. These are people who are entrepreneurs and they are amazingly talented. It takes a lot of hard work to start from the bottom and create a successful personal brand and become your own business.