10 Tips to Find the Perfect Clothes for your Photo Session

Professional photos are the photos you and your parents will hang in their house and they will stay there forever so you want to make sure you look good in those photos. Whether you’re taking family photos, senior photos, or even engagement photos, To help you find the perfect outfits follow these simple tips.

1. Bring lots of options for outfits.

It’s much better to have too many outfits than not enough. With lots of options for outfits you and your photographer can really decide what outfit looks best with what backgrounds. You also can see what photographs well and choose those photos.

2. Stick with clothes you already own and love.

There’s no need to go out and spend a bunch of money on new clothes. Sticking with clothes you already own and love ensures that you’ll feel like yourself and confident which will produce the best photos.

3. Strive for a classic timeless look.

When you look back at these photos in 20 years you want to smile and not cringe. Super trendy outfits might look great now, and by all means bring one or two outfits like this, but make sure you have something that won’t look dated in a few years. Nicely fitting solid colored shirts and nice jeans are always a good look.


4. Make sure you’re comfortable in all of your outfits.

Make sure you can sit, stand, and move in the outfits and that everything fits correctly, nothing is too tight or too loose. You’re going to have to do all of those things in your outfits while taking photos so make sure you can do that without any fashion faux pas or grimaced faces.

5. Dress for the season.

We live in Ohio and weather can be unpredictable. Dress for the season. If it’s winter wear warmer clothes and wear lighter clothes in summer. Layers are always a great option. Not only do they ensure you’re dressed for the weather, but by putting more on or removing them you can achieve different looks from the same outfit.

6. If you wear glasses everyday you should wear them in your photos.

Glasses can create glares and transition lenses don’t show your eyes in photos. To avoid these problems there’s an easy solution, you can remove the lenses. Most opticians will do this for you for free or loan you a pair without the lenses for your photos if you give them notice. If you can’t do this don’t worry and bring your glasses anyways.


7. Wear a tank top.

A good idea is to bring a tank top to wear under your clothes. This will be useful when changing outfits. It will also ensure that any clothing that might be see-through doesn’t become see-through on camera.

8. Don’t wear clothes with big brand logos.

Big brand logos are distracting. Not only that but they date your photos and can potentially create issues when posting photos online. It’s best to avoid clothes with big logos. Big logos can also date your photos. For example in the 2000’s everyone wore and wanted “Juicy” items and now those aren’t popular. That could be the same for your “Supreme” shirt or “Adidas” jacket.

9. Avoid wearing any color that has appeared on a highlighter.

These colors reflect light so it will look like your clothes are glowing. Not only that, but it’s more difficult to find a setting where this color looks natural.

10. Beware of patterns

Busy patterns usually don’t photograph well because of all the detail in the patterns and then distract from you in photos. For example a large plaid print is better than a small and busy plaid print.


Bonus Tip!

The most important tip is to be yourself!!! Dress like yourself and let your photographer do the rest.